An Oklahoma public school student who wishes to enroll in Oklahoma Connections Academy is considered a transfer student from their resident school district. A student may transfer any time in the school year by submitting the student transfer application.
A student may only complete one transfer to a statewide virtual charter school per school year (July 1 – June 30). Any subsequent transfer to any other statewide virtual charter school within the same year requires the concurrence of both the resident school district and the receiving virtual charter school. If a student is enrolled in a statewide virtual charter school for fifteen (15) days or less, the student is permitted to still enroll in one statewide virtual charter school without the concurrence of both districts during that same school year. Once a student transfer is approved and a student is enrolled in Oklahoma Connections Academy, the student is not required to submit a transfer application for consecutive years of enrollment.
Oklahoma Connections Academy may deny a student transfer for only the following reasons:
- Prior transfer to a statewide virtual charter school within the same school year;
- Disciplinary issues as outlined in 70 O.S. § 24-101.3.; and/or
- A history of absences, which is defined as ten or more unexcused absences in one semester (70 O.S. § 8-101.2).
Students who are dependents of a member of the active military on full-time active-duty status or on active duty with the military reserve will be eligible for admission regardless of capacity. Students will be eligible for military transfer if:
- At least one parent of the student has a Department of Defense issued identification card
- At least one parent can provide evidence that they will be on active-duty status or orders for more than thirty (30) consecutive days