Jodi Scott
Dean of Instruction
Bachelor of Science, Secondary Education Mathematics, University of Maine; Master of Education, Teacher Leadership, University of Southern Maine
Jodi Scott began working at our school in 2018 as both a math teacher and instructional coach for students in grades 7–12. More recently, she shifted to the administrative side of things, taking a position as an instructional coach. In this position, Ms. Scott provides key support focused on instructional tools, curriculum, assessment building, and LiveLesson engagement. According to Ms. Scott, her favorite part of the job is “working with our super cool staff! They are genuinely here for our students in every way.”
Why She Became an Educator
Reflecting on her days as a teacher, Ms. Scott says she entered the field of education “to help people learn new skills and help change mindsets about mathematics. I still do!” And although she no longer teaches classes on a daily basis, students remain her core focus. “Our students are the nicest kids,” she reports. “They make me smile every day.”
According to Ms. Scott, the school creates a welcoming community for students, parents, and teachers “by showing our excitement about them being part of Maine Connections Academy. We often celebrate successes as well as teams' and individuals' achievements.”
The Online School Experience at Maine Connections Academy
What makes our school different from a traditional brick-and-mortar setting? A key difference, says Ms. Scott, is “flexibility. Students here can work on lessons and assignments at their own pace in every subject area.” If her math students need extra time, they get it.
In addition, Maine Connections Academy offers many opportunities for one-on-one instruction. For many students, this kind of support is often just what they need. “[We get to work] with students and families on an individual basis,” reports Ms. Scott.
According to Ms. Scott, Maine Connections Academy prepares students for a bright future “by personalizing their educational pathways and giving them access to what they individually need to be successful.”
"I rely on communication with both our students and their learning coaches or caretakers at home for student success and transparency."
— Ms. Scott
Personal Interests
On her off time, Ms. Scott loves reading, watching movies, and going outdoors as often as she can, especially with her dog. She also enjoys painting and paints cartoon portraits of adoptable pets at the Animal Refuge League. Ask Ms. Scott to show them to you!