Image of Jodi Scott

Jodi Scott

Dean of Instruction

Bachelor of Science, Secondary Education Mathematics, University of Maine; Master of Education, Teacher Leadership, University of Southern Maine

To Ms. Scott, her mission is clear: “To change mindsets about math.” Unlike almost any other academic subject, students describe their relationship with math in black-and-white terms. Many decide early on that they either are good at math – a “math person” – or that they aren’t. Ms. Scott is particularly focused on the latter group. “I became a teacher to help build confidence in students' math skills,” she says.

An Ideal Learning Environment

Compared to the traditional brick-and-mortar environment, Maine Connections Academy offers many opportunities for one-on-one instruction. For students who feel less-than-confident in math, this kind of support is often just what they need. “I love getting to work with students and families on an individual basis,” reports Ms. Scott. 

At all times, she tries to present the material in a way that’s engaging. Standard worksheets filled with practice problems are unlikely to energize students, struggling or not. Instead, Ms. Scott offers “anything where we can explore, play, and design with graphs!”

At Maine Connections Academy, students have the flexibility to work at their own pace, in every subject area. Ms. Scott sees this flexibility as particularly helpful in math. Often it can take a little longer for a mathematical concept to “click.” When her students need that extra time, they have it.

She’s Not All About Numbers

Outside of her teaching responsibilities, Ms. Scott enjoys a wide range of activities – most of which don’t involve a single calculation. She enjoys reading and watching movies. She likes to get outdoors as often as she can, especially with her dog. 

And here’s something that many people within the Maine Connections Academy community may not know about Ms. Scott: She really enjoys painting. In fact, she paints cartoon portraits of adoptable pets at the Animal Refuge League. Ask Ms. Scott to see them!