MTSS is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports designed to address the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs of each student. As MTSS Coordinator at Maine Connections Academy, Ms. Duncan plays a central role in the school’s ability to serve the unique needs of every individual. That starts, she says, by “getting to know them as a person and not just a student.”
Compared to a traditional brick-and-mortar school, the virtual learning environment at Maine Connections Academy offers significantly more opportunity for faculty to interact individually with students. For Ms. Duncan, that’s the best part of her job. “I love working one-on-one with students and getting to know them,” she says. “Building relationships is so important to me.”
She also works with students to help them build a growth mindset. “I remind them that as people we are always learning,” Ms. Duncan explains. “It is always possible to achieve hard things.”