Bernice S
Learning Coach of 2
Bernice is a Learning Coach for her two daughters who are high school students at Maine Connections Academy (MCA). She loves that MCA allows her to be involved in her daughters’ schooling and that the girls are able to get a personalized learning experience. Bernice shares why MCA works for her family below.
I learned about MCA while looking for an alternative educational experience for my eldest daughter. Connections Academy was advertising the opening of their new school in Maine, MCA, in our local newspaper and television station. MCA interested our family because it was an alternative to traditional public school that could be done from the comfort of home with certified online teachers. This was an exciting idea, and I wanted to find out more.
This type of education has worked out wonderfully for our family. After seeing how well the school was working for our eldest daughter, we enrolled our other daughter who was a freshman at the time. The girls have different learning styles and MCA teachers are great at working with all different types of learning. As a parent, I feel I have much more knowledge of how my daughters are doing with their school work and a better understanding of how they feel about their classes. I can see their work and which classes and subjects are easier for them, as well as the areas that they may need more help with.
Thankfully, students now have options to choose a setting that matches their needs and receive the same education, but in a virtual school.
— Bernice
English, psychology, anatomy, and physiology are the girls’ favorite classes. With these classes being offered, it has given them the opportunity to explore interests that that they may end up studying and pursuing after high school.In their free time, the girls play music in our bagpipe band—me and my daughter play the bagpipes, and my husband and other daughter play the drums.
The girls also run cross country and track and field. We are an active and close family that enjoys doing projects together. Recently, the girls helped build a small barn with Dad. The education opportunities are all around us. All we need to do is look around and see them.