“My parents found Arizona Connections Academy and I decided to give it a try, as I was being bullied at my previous school. Arizona Connections Academy is an online-based school, and it is a lot more individualized and intensive than my previous bricks-and-mortar school. At Arizona Connections Academy, I have to keep myself on task and motivated to finish my schoolwork. I can work at my own pace, which is sometimes faster than in my previous school.
The scheduling flexibility is the main reason I enjoy Arizona Connections Academy, however, I have realized the curriculum is also superior to my friends’ courses at my home district. I can get through the entire textbook for all my courses; in my former school, I never finished a textbook. I now realize that I missed subject material.
"I love Arizona Connections Academy because it allows me to work at my own pace any time of day or week in order for me to go to rabbit shows or out to ride horses."
— Brandee
I have a fantastic relationship with my teachers. They like my interest in school and are all really helpful. If I contact them with a question or suggestion, they respond rapidly. My teachers also provide a lot of LiveLesson® sessions and one-on-one tutoring time when I am confused about certain concepts.
Outside of school, my interests involve animals. Due to the fact that I can have a flexible schedule, I work ahead on weekends, which allows me the opportunity to pursue my interests such as working at a local vet clinic, hunting with my dad (I have been to Wyoming to hunt deer and antelope), 4-H, and showing rabbits (I have been to state and national rabbit conventions). I want to be a horse orthopedic surgeon, and fortunately, my parents have been able to allow me the opportunity to ride as much as I can. Lastly, I thoroughly enjoy the fact that when my lessons are done, I can read.
My friends and I text, call, and email each other to keep in touch. We go bowling, swimming, to the movies, hunting, hiking, and to lunch. A lot of the time we just hang out and joke around like normal teenagers. Because I travel for rabbit shows all over the state and am involved with 4-H, I have many friends in various parts of the state. We see each other at shows and send emails to each other. Attending summer 4-H camp allows me to stay in contact with kids throughout the state, as well as ambassadors from New Mexico.”