Kassi Blanton
Elementary & Secondary School Teacher
Kassi Blanton is an elementary and secondary school teacher at Alabama Connections Academy. She holds a bachelor's degree in elementary education from the University of Phoenix and began her teaching career in 2014. In 2017, Ms. Blanton joined Connections Academy. She loves the close relationships that she is able to have with her families in an online setting. Ms. Blanton shares more below:
The Online School Experience at Alabama Connections Academy
“By teaching online, I am allowed to work one-on-one with each student and parent. I am able to specialize my teaching to each specific student’s needs. This is something that is very difficult to accomplish in the brick-and-mortar setting because of the large number of students in the classroom at one time; you usually only talk to the parents during parent–teacher conferences. In an online setting, parents can call me anytime. We teachers are partners in their child’s learning.
Making the sacrifice to stay home and take part in your child’s education is a hard decision to make, but I can almost guarantee that new Learning Coaches will not regret this decision. When students receive one-on-one help, you can see them flourish. Parents have the ability to take part in their child’s education without buying or creating a curriculum from scratch. The lessons are planned, the materials are provided, and you can utilize the curriculum as is or add to it to fit your student’s personality and interests.
Alabama Connections Academy prepares students to take ownership of their education. I love equipping students with the ability to find answers for themselves. This environment requires students to be self-motivated at times. They have to learn how to use a computer and communicate in the digital and virtual world.
Alabama Connections Academy prepares students to take ownership of their education. I love equipping students with the ability to find answers for themselves.
— Ms. Blanton
What makes the school community so special? The families are able to connect and get to know each other in many different ways, including through social media sites and with frequent opportunities to connect face-to-face on field trips throughout the year.I really love teaching for ALCA. I really love teaching for ALCA. Not only do we have the best staff to work with, but also the families are great!”
Ms. Blanton is married and is the mother to three boys and one Jack Russell Terrier. Together, they love doing anything outdoors, especially hiking. Ms. Blanton also likes curling up with a book at night to relax.