Earnest Moorer
Elementary & Secondary School Teacher
Earnest Moorer is the health and physical education teacher for elementary and secondary grades at Alabama ConnectionsAcademy. He earned a bachelor’s degree in physical education / sports management, followed by a master’s of education inphysical education, both from Alabama A&M University. Mr. Moorer began his career in education in 2013 and joinedAlabama Connections Academy in the 2017–2018 school year. He shares what he loves about why he chose to teach at Connections Academy:
“I love teaching at Alabama Connections Academy because I love the flexibility it gives me as a teacher. We have a staff of great teachers who are willing to go above and beyond to help their students learn according to their highest ability. The teachers thrive on student success, and our goal is to teach students how to become successful, productive, confident adults.
To me, having a meaningful role in others’ lives is extremely fulfilling, and as a physical education teacher, I feel I am in an ideal setting to play such a role. I entered the physical education field because I am passionate about sports and helping people. I love to extend my love of sports and physical activity to my students.
We have a staff of great teachers who are willing to go above and beyond to help their students learn according to their highest ability.
— Mr. Moorer
I feel as if the school community is all one big happy family. When we go out on field trips and see students and parents all interacting as one, it is such a beautiful thing. To prospective parents who are deciding whether to enroll, I say that this is a great school with great teachers who are willing to go above and beyond to help their child learn at his or her highest ability.”