The curriculum is also fantastic, and it takes the stress of planning daily lessons off of me. Navigating the website is such a user-friendly experience. My son and I both enjoy the extras that are provided, like the electives, the videos, and other materials—and don’t forget the multiple field trips. The testing helps me keep track of my son’s progress, and I can see that he is excelling and growing with every lesson. When there are learning curves, we are able to take our time and find creative ways to help him get a better understanding of the subject.
My son especially loves math. When he’s working on his schoolwork, I enjoy seeing how his brain works and what he truly enjoys. We work well together and both get excited when he achieves a goal. We are on the go constantly and take extra field trips on our own, which makes a huge impact. And it’s fun! We have so many friends that homeschool, and we get to join them for field trips. My son also stays connected to friends via dance classes, KidFit classes, and frequent playdates.”