I love being able to spend my entire day helping students grasp math standards. Without the typical classroom management difficulties, we get to focus on necessary skills for much more of our day. I can reach students individually more than ever. I feel more connected to my colleagues because we check in frequently about student concerns and work together to develop plans for student success.
I offer a minimum of three whole group math LiveLesson® sessions each week. Students are also invited to numerous small groups as needed. We use this time to work through math concepts together. Students lead our learning by sharing problem-solving methods over the microphone. They are often able to work in small groups together to review problems. We use webcams and microphones during LiveLesson sessions, as well as play a variety of educational games during our time. I also provide a recording with each math lesson for students. Students can view these recordings if reading the lesson material is a struggle. I’ve spent time creating a visual math map to help guide students through our grade 6 curriculum and focus on essential standards.