Kate's family

Kate's Family

Learning Coach

Jay and Katie has their child Paisley enrolled at Michigan Connections Academy. Jay and Katie share more about their experience as Learning Coaches below.

Why We Chose Michigan Connections Academy

We were looking for a change, as our local public school wasn’t meeting our needs. We were trying to find the right fit for our family and did so with Michigan Connections Academy. Now, Paisley thriving in life and excelling in school, where we can focus on academics from the comfort and safety of our home. Paisley is learning life lessons like keeping a schedule, booking their teachers for help, and advocating for themselves in addition to the lessons in each class.

Our Online School Experience

What we love about Michigan Connections Academy is that if our child didn't understand something, they can spend extra time on it or move on without waiting for other students to catch up.

We believe communication with other parents and teachers is very important. Paisley’s teachers have played a huge role in the success of virtual school. Open communication is the only way to make this platform work. I always encourage her to book time with her teachers so she can advocate for herself when she needs help.