Michael Burke
Secondary Teacher
MS, Education, University of Phoenix
Michael Burke is a middle school science teacher at Inspire, the Idaho Connections Academy. He holds a master's degree in education from the University of Phoenix. Mr. Burke joined Inspire in 2012 with seven years of teaching experience. He shares more below:
"I became a teacher because I had an awesome science teacher in seventh grade that made learning exciting and fun. I wanted to be like him someday. I ended up choosing a different career path for a while, but the idea of teaching always stuck with me. I finally made the decision to return to school, and I couldn't be happier to be a middle school science teacher.
I love teaching at Inspire because the curriculum is challenging and I have the opportunity for more one-on-one teaching with my students. Plus, middle school students are truly entertaining! I get to spend most of my time working one-on-one with students helping to ensure their understanding of different topics. Because of the online setting, I am able to concentrate on helping students, not behavior management. Additionally, I have access to outstanding curriculum and materials that are continually improved upon and updated by a group of educational professionals at Connections Academy.
"I love teaching at Inspire because the curriculum is challenging and I have the opportunity for more one-on-one teaching with my students."
— Mr. Burke
If there was one thing that I would tell a prospective parent, it would be that they will be an essential part of their student's learning team. The Learning Coach, along with the teacher, helps keep the student on track and motivated to learn. If each member of this three-part team fulfills his or her role, the student will have an outstanding experience!”