High School Student
Cassidy is a student at Inspire Connections Academy. She enrolled in Inspire in the eighth grade because of the wide variety of challenging classes and the promise of a more flexible schedule. She shares her story below:
"From kindergarten to seventh grade, I attended the local public school. Because our community is so small, it was K-12 and offered no electives or Advanced Placement classes. I simply didn't feel challenged in that environment. Because of Connections Academy's wide range of courses, I have learned and grown so much more than I would have otherwise.
One of the things that I am very passionate about is rodeo. Because of the flexibility of my schoolwork, I can go to as many competitions as I want—and still succeed in school! In fact, this program is really the perfect fit for me, as I practice for almost six hours every day. I can work through my classes at my own pace and take my school with me wherever I travel. All this freedom really paid off. I was the Idaho 2018 State Champion Barrel Racer!
"I love Connections Academy because it enables me to pursue my goals, both academically and in the rodeo arena."
— Cassidy
Besides rodeo, other activities I enjoy with my friends are playing basketball and being a part of the local theater club. I live in a small rural community, so staying in touch with friends is easy.
After I graduate, I will be attending a four-year university where I have received a full-ride rodeo scholarship to pursue my dreams of becoming an English professor. This wouldn’t have been possible without the freedom that I found through the Connections Academy program.”