Image of Jakeia C, learning coach

Jakeia C.

Learning Coach

Safety First

Before a student can thrive, before a student can even focus on learning, a student has to feel safe. For several years, Jakeia’s student attended a brick-and-mortar school that unfortunately was not able to provide an environment where he felt comfortable. “At his previous school, he was dealing with bullying,” Jakeia says. She looked toward the faculty to help, but found there was little they could do. “His teachers,” she says, “were not understanding.”

Then Jakeia discovered Georgia Connections Academy. “Changing schools solved a lot of the issues,” she reports, relieved. “Finding the right school for my child made me feel more at ease about his safety.”

The experience at Georgia Connections Academy is completely different. Jakeia’s son is now happy as a person and thriving as a student. “His online friends and teachers are very kind, understanding, respectful, and supportive of his needs,” she says enthusiastically. “He loves them all!”

Learning Together as a Family

Like many parents, Jakeia had never really considered online school as a possibility for her child’s education. However, the world has changed significantly in the last several years; Jakeia herself now works from home. Today, online schooling fits easily into the lives of many families, in many cases better than traditional brick-and-mortar schools.

“The convenience of being at home in my own workplace” was an important factor in Jakeia’s decision to enroll her student at Georgia Connections Academy.

Jakeia didn’t quite know what to expect in her new role as a Learning Coach. The experience has been extremely positive. “I’ve been out of school for many years,” she says, “so being a Learning Coach for my child has been a great experience for both of us.” She enjoys all the subjects, especially math. “I’m able to help him understand while I’m learning as well,” she says.

Georgia Connections Academy has actually deepened the connection Jakeia has with her son. “I love that I’m able to be an actual teacher for him at home.”