The Flexibility to Make it All Fit

Cheyenne loves her busy life. Beyond her responsibilities as a full-time student at Georgia Connections Academy, she is an active and enthusiastic member of her Girl Scout troop. She sings in church. And because of certain family circumstances, she often needs to work around visits to the doctor and other medical issues.

Her previous online school didn’t offer the flexibility she needed. The school required her to attend classes as they were happening, “and when you had an appointment you needed a note from the doctor,” she says, “or you were not excused.” Georgia Connections Academy is significantly more accommodating than many other online schools, able to adapt to the real-world circumstances of Cheyenne and her family. “All classes are recorded,” she says, “so you can view them again if needed.”

Since many of the traditional schools in her area don’t have classes on Mondays, Girl Scouts often schedules major activities and events for that day. Because of the flexibility at Georgia Connections Academy, Cheyenne is able to participate fully in every activity.

Thriving in School – and Out

Despite her full extracurricular schedule, Cheyenne is thriving academically at Georgia Connections Academy. She enjoys English Language Arts. Science is her “favorite subject.” She also looks forward to the school’s in-person events, something which is not offered by all online schools. The most memorable event? Visiting the Tellus Science Museum, which includes a wide range of hands-on science exhibits, fossils, and even a planetarium.

Georgia Connections Academy “makes learning fun and enjoyable,” says her mother. And that really says it all.