It is nice to be able to see my friends each day and talk with them. We are kids, so we want to know about each other. I have made friends all over the state—and, through GACA’s academic clubs, I have made friends all across our great nation! Compare this to a bricks-and-mortar school, where you are limited to knowing only kids in your school district. Plus, in GACA clubs, we have only an hour together, but it is just enough time to find out something interesting about another student. Usually, I will use the student directory to WebMail an interesting student, and then that student and I will get to know each other better and become really good friends. One of my best friends at GACA lives in the Riverdale/Fayetteville area. I would never have known him if it weren’t for GACA.”
When we asked Chase about his favorite subjects and his goals for his education, he replied, “I love all of my subjects and my clubs, but if I had to pick my favorites in order, they would be math, literature, science, Robotics Club, and Brainteasers Club. One day, I am going to be a chemical engineer with a nuclear background. I want to make medicine to help people, and I also want to be able to protect our country from chemical or nuclear attacks. Right now, I am just trying to learn as much as I can while not driving my teachers crazy.”
Chase’s favorite pastimes include visiting Disney World, participating in cub scouts, camping, rock climbing, playing golf and Wii games with friends, and participating in Friday-family-fun-time.