Tori Bevan
Tori Bevan is a graduate at Colorado Connections Academy. She became interested in Colorado Connections Academy because of the program flexibility and the NCAA approved curriculum. Tori share her story below:
“The flexible schedule and easy access to teachers for guidance works well for me. I really enjoy that when I am traveling for hockey, school can be anywhere with me on my laptop, along with the online text books and resources.
My favorite subjects are English and Journalism because I am passionate about writing. I enjoy learning new techniques and have the ability to read bodies of work from famous poets and authors. The type of relationship I have with my teachers is based on strong communication via email and the ability to ask for help or guidance with no problem at all.
"My favorite thing about Colorado Connections Academy is the flexibility and the ability to work thru the courses at my own pace "
— Tori
I am very passionate about the sport of ice hockey, it takes a large amount of my focus, time and energy. Colorado Connections Academy allows me to work ahead or be able to catch up without consequences, which puts less of a strain on me during the school week and especially with the travel I do. As much as hockey is a full- time job, education is no less important to me and I’m able to manage them both successfully with the ability to work through classes at my own pace. One of my primary hobbies is working with animals at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo as a Junior Zookeeper. There, I work with the African Lions, Giraffes and our Okapi. With the amount of time I spend with the animals, once again, Colorado Connections Academy has been a great option, so I can balance my time between all that’s important to me.
My plans after Colorado Connections Academy is to play college hockey and study sports medicine. Coming into my sophomore year it was great to have guidance on NCAA standards for grades and ACT/SAT requirements. The online school setting has helped me fine tune what it means to be self -motivated and goal driven for both my passions, hockey and education”.