Kayleigh Carew
Kayleigh Carew is a Colorado Connections Academy graduate. She lives with her family in Breckenridge, Colorado. Kayleigh chose Colorado Connections Academy because the schedule is flexible and she could dedicate more time to snowboarding. She shares her story below:
“I was interested in CA because my older brother had attended it, and my parents liked the curriculum. I wanted to have a more flexible schedule for travelling when we lived in Georgia, but now I need the flexibility to train for snowboarding.
The reason CA works for me is the flexibility. I really like that I can do school in the morning before training or afternoon after training, and I can pick when I use my vacation days. My favorite subject is Lit because I love writing and using my imagination. My relationship with my teachers is through webmail or phone calls. I can’t attend the LiveLesson sessions because I’m on the mountain, but the teachers post them so I can watch them later if I need to.
"The reason CA works for me is the flexibility."
— Kayleigh
I am passionate about snowboarding. I ride about six days a week from early morning until late afternoon. I’ve travelled to Mammoth Mountain in California and Cardrona, New Zealand to train and compete, which I could not have done without CA! I could do my lessons in New Zealand the same as if I was in Breckenridge!
My future plans include going to college, but continuing to train. I would like to major in Journalism, and hopefully, find a good job in the snowboard industry.”