Rebecca Recalde

Rebecca Recalde


Rebecca Recalde is a graduate of California Connections Academy. Rebecca attended Connections Academy because it allowed her to participate in a regular public school environment despite her medical condition. Her goal after graduation is to attend Harvard University as a prelaw major with the intention of becoming either a public interest lawyer or an advocate lawyer.

What Rebecca loves most about Connections Academy is its engaging curriculum and the ability to complete schoolwork at her own pace and on her own schedule. The social atmosphere also allows her to participate in classroom discussions, clubs, field trips, and dances. She feels prepared for the future because she is self-disciplined, is self-motivated, and has the drive to strive for excellence in her academic life. She shares more about her experience at the school below:

“Connections Academy is different from a traditional school in countless ways. Unlike a traditional school, Connections Academy is more flexible when it comes to your schedule, making it perfect for students who are heavily involved in extracurricular activities and/or struggle with day-to-day health problems. Along with that, I feel that by attending Connections Academy, the stress of social peer pressure and the melodrama of school students is lessened, creating a positive and focused environment for people who want to succeed in their studies. For example, I once was gone for two weeks at the hospital for medical testing. If I had been in a traditional school, I would’ve missed numerous days of receiving information vital to my education. Luckily, this wasn’t the case with Connections Academy because I was able to attend and complete lessons online at the hospital for the two weeks that I was gone given that our courses are accessible online, all the time.

"Without the understanding, sincerity, feedback, and support I received from the teachers and faculty, I wouldn’t be where I am today, achieving the academic goals I’ve set for myself."

— Rebecca

I’m very passionate about serving my community through volunteering and running service projects. I manage my schedule around these interests by taking advantage of the flexibility of the school. The schedules are really quite flexible if you manage your time wisely and do not procrastinate. Our online planner is a huge help to this, but having a physical planner is beneficial too. Not to mention, if you miss a LiveLesson session because you were busy doing something, you can always go on the message board and watch the recording there. It’s truly technology made simple to fit your needs as an online student on the go.”

Rebecca Recalde